Yes Rogue, the essence of JWism is to justify the preposterous claim that the almighty creator of the universe had chosen the WTBTS in 1919 as his exclusive channel or conduit.
To do this in the absence of tangible evidence they try to illuminate their experience as a Jeremiah doomsday cult by bending the scriptures to their own history. Delusion is a serious psychological problem for an individual... but holding and broadcasting shared delusions takes the problem on to a whole new level.
The JW org is now entering a post-Copernican revolution. The planetary system, it must be understood, is no longer solar centric because the sun now shines out of the buttocks of the governing body. Here is the source of the “new light”.
Thinking for yourself and reasoning are to be strictly discouraged because a JW never needs to think for themself. It is simpler to leave this to the demi-gods of Brooklyn. If a brother or sister is found trying to reason, or learn about the origins of the Watchtower or investigate the origins of Christianity, he or she will be publicly marked and made an example of what not to do.
Instead just contribute money, wear your blinkers and obey... Being blessed is subjective.